
A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. “Are you crazy?” yelled the customer, “with your hand on my steak?” “What” answers the waiter, “You want it to fall on the floor again?”


A newly married man asks his wife, “Would you have married me if my father hadn’t left me a fortune?” “Darling,” the woman replies sweetly, “I’d have married you no matter who left you a fortune.”


Two snakes were crawling along when one snake asked the other, “Are we poisonous snakes?” The other replied, “You’re damn right we are! We’re rattlesnakes. Why do you ask?” To which the first replied, “I just bit my tongue.” To… Continue Reading


A lawyer was well into a lengthy cross-examination of a witness, stopped and said: “Your honor, a juror is asleep.” The Judge ruled: “You put him to sleep; YOU wake him up.”