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A CSS comprises of style rules that are interpreted by the browser and then applied to the corresponding elements in your document. A style rule is made of two parts, (1) Selector, and (2) Declaration

1. Selector : A selector is an HTML element you want to add style to. This could be any like <h1> <p> or <table> etc.

2. Declaration: The declaration is the statement of style for that element. It is made up of property and value.

Property: A property is the aspect of an element you want to change; for eg. color, border, font, etc. Put simply, all the HTML attributes
are converted into CSS properties.
Value: Value is the exact setting for the property. For example, color property can be set to value red or the font-size can be set to 30px,
and so on.

CSS Style Rule Syntax is as follows:
Selector {declaration;}
Selector {property1:value;}

The style rule for <h1> element can be defined as follows:


In this example, <h1> is a selector, text-align is a property and center is the value of the property.

Another Example:

body{background-color:green; Margin-left:2cm;}

When you add more properties to the style rule, the same are separated by semi-colon. (;). In the above example, background-color, and
Margin-left are separated by semicolon.

Property values

Property values are of three types, viz. specified, computed and actual

  1. Specified
    It is the value specified in declaration. This type of value is sub-divided as absolute, and relative.
    Absolute: value can be determined without reference to context (e.g., 2cm)
    Relative: value depends on context (e.g., larger)
  2. Computed
    It is absolute representation of relative value (e.g., font-size:200%)
  3. Actual
    It is the value actually used by browser (e.g., computed value might be rounded)

CSS Length Unit Identifiers

ptpoints: 1/72-inch
pcpicas: 12 points
pxpixels: typically 1/96-inch
em1em is roughly the height of a capital letter in the reference font
ex1ex is roughly the height of the lowercase character in the reference font.

CSS Comments

Comments are used to explain the code, and may help when you edit the source code at a later date. Comments are ignored by browsers.
A CSS comment starts with /* and ends with */.

Comments can also span multiple lines.

Example of single line comment:

p { /*The paragraph elements will appear in red color.*/ color: red; }

Example of multi-line comment:

p { /*The paragraph elements in this web page
will appear in red color.*/
color: red; }

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