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HTML Links

HTML links are very important for all webpages. Different webpages of a website are interconnected using links.

With the help of links users can move from one webpage to the other

To make an HTML link we make use of the <a> tag and its attribute href

HTML links can be used to link to your internal pages or external URL


<!--example of internal link-->
<p><a href="myinternalfile.html">click here to view my details</a></p>

<!--example of External link-->
<p><a href="">click here to visit google</a></p>

<!--example of opening a link in another browser tab-->
<p><a href="" target="_blank">click here to visit google</a></p>

<a> tag defines a HYPER LINK

Create bookmark in HTML

Book marks helps to link items from the same website

Two steps have to be done to achieve it

  1. Create the bookmark with ID
  2. Create the link pointing to the ID

So lets create a bookmark
1. Create the bookmark using the ID attribute
Example <p id=”mybookmark”>Linking is fun</p>

2. Now create the link using the <a> tag
Example <a href=”#mybookmark”>visit my bookmark</a>

you can also add a link to a bookmark on another page

<a href=”demo.html#chapter2″>Lets visit chapter 2</a>